Benefits from the lecture: The explanation of the narration of Ibn Mas’ood: How will you be when you are afflicted with Fitnah .


Shaykh Ahmed ibn ‘Umar Bazmool – may Allaah preserve him said – :

Do not think my brother – may Allaah bless you! That when I mention certain mistakes which some of the people have repented from in a meager fashion; “a slip of the tongue” or “a slip of the pen” or the likes of this at the same time they are requesting from the Salafis to make a clear and apparent repentance from a mistake they never fell into.

But they themselves are infallible angels, “a slip of the tongue”, they intended the truth, but they made a “mistake” in the way they said it

I seek refuge in Allaah from lying and delusion, and playing in the religion of Allaah – the Almighty –

Be straightforward, be a man and be courageous and say, “I have erred ignorantly, and I will learn.”

There is no problem in you learning and then teaching, what is incorrect is that you sit and speak whilst you keep erring in the apparent matters, even if you return back from it, because the religion of Allaah is not a game.

This is what I intend.

From the lecture: The explanation of the narration of Ibn Mas’ood: How will you be when you are afflicted with Fitnah .